Beautiful best cat breed for children

Owning of cat is a great way to teach your children social skills like responsibility, respect, and so many things if you are thought for bring up a pet than cats is the very best option for you.some cats are very dangerous but here I am talking  about some beautiful best family cats breeds for children.


1: Abyssinian

 Abyssinian cat is a very intelligent cat and he learns so many tricks in a very short time and with some efforts, .he is very active and obedient.



Burmese is a very beautiful cat for children. The behavior of Burmese cats are very friendly. the nature of Burmese is very sweet. if you want to adopt a cat this cat is the best option for you. Burmese is a very best family cat breed.children can play with this cat and learn many social skills like responsibility.

3:Maine coon

 Maine con is a north American cat.the behavior of this cat is very friendly and loving. Maine Coons are independent and spirited cats.



The Manx cat is a very active cat with very high problem-solving skills. Manx cat learns to open door locks in a few days with some practice he can play a good game like football.


Siamese cats are also very beautiful and unique. They are also very play full and sweet in nature. Mostly these cats have blue beautiful and attractive is a best choice to adopting a cat for your children. They can play different games.


